Thursday, March 25, 2010

Planet Comicon 2010 This Weekend!

Be sure to join the Elite Comics staff at Planet Comicon 2010 this weekend, March 27th and 28th. Not only will we have over 50,000 back-issues priced at 50 cents each, but we'll also have an insane amount of trades, toys, action figures, and statues.

If that's not incentive enough, we'll also have Supergirl, Green Lantern, and Hawkgirl available for pictures.

So suit up for our costume contest and meet us at the Overland Park International Trade Center.  Tickets are good for the entire weekend and are available for $15 at the door.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Understanding Twitter.

I understand a bunch of people just love twitter.  They love the up to the minute details of other peoples day.  They love the challenge of keeping the joke to 140 characters.  It gives them something to do with their  iPhone.

Some people however do not understand twitter.

You only need to tweet about a sandwich you're eating if you find a finger in it.

We only need to know how late you stayed up last night if you are trying to issue an excuse for your late arrival at a meeting. 

If you had a bowl of soup that changed your life, it's not good soup, it's a crappy life.

Everyone who knows me knows I love irony. Love it. So my favorite tweets are all day long updates about how behind schedule you are on some bit of work.  Who do you think is reading your every 10 minute updates about the 7 pages of inking you saved till the last possible day?  Your editor, maybe? The penciler who spent a couple of day per page?

I also love the self engrandizing tweets.  The 'Ho Hum, another publisher meeting at Ruth's Chris.  I just want to write things to please my fans but my agent wants me to get richer, oh the boredom.'  Fuck you.  Be real. It should be more like 'Holy crap! I can't believe anyone but my Mom wants to read my stuff.  Got to be cool. Act like I've eaten a $75 steak before.'

People who don't use Twitter also need to understand it.

If you give court side seats to a sold out game to anyone, especially a fame starved porn star, she is going to tweet about it, coach.  Then your teen-aged daughter is going to read it and you will be in dutch with the wife and the school in no time flat.

Now for a bit of that sweet irony I love so much I am going to tweet a link to this blog post.